Astrology Readings

The first place to start for those in search of clarity & confidence in life direction, transitions, career, parenting  & relationships.

Astrology offers a peek behind the curtain on your passions, personality, potential & purpose. 

In other words, astrology becomes the proof, the validation, and the invitation to be more of the person you crave to be—the person you know you are deep down. 

Begin to SEE more of you, so you can embrace ALL of you.

t's hard to be yourself when you don't see yourself. 



A 90 min astrology reading via Zoom for those looking for a more in-depth reading. 
$222 USD

90-minute Natal Chart Reading

A 60 min astrology reading via Zoom.  Recording provided if requested.
$175 USD

60-minute Natal Chart Reading


A 60 min astrology mentorship session via Zoom for those looking to learn about astrology through the lens of their chart.

$175 USD

60-minute Mentor Session


Custom Mentorship Package

For those looking for an extended mentorship opportunity. Packages created upon request at a discounted rate.

A 90 min astrology mentorship session via Zoom for those looking to learn about astrology through the lens of their chart.

$222 USD

90-minute Mentor Session

She made me feel comfortable and supported. 

Kaitlyn brought such warm and calming energy to the session. She made me feel comfortable and supported. The reading has helped me make sense of my inner self and my life path so far. It's also helped me better understand my different needs - physical, emotional, intellectual, financial, professional and spiritual. Astrology is so fascinating and can bring in positive energy to support our growth and transformation. I am so grateful to have done the natal chart reading with Kaitlyn - highly recommended!

~ Bonnie Tai

She simplified it for me and helped me gain clarity and peace.

Kaitlyn has a calming presence. I felt very relaxed during our session. Her approach was uncomplicated, which I enjoyed, and at the same time helped me sort out an issue that had been causing me a lot of stress and confusion. She simplified it for me and helped me gain clarity and peace.

~ Justin Halstead

I loved how she was able to tune in and answer my questions clearly and in a relatable manner.

Kaitlyn was easy to connect with and her approach was honest and durable. Meaning the quality of the reading was strong throughout.
I loved how she was able to tune in and answer my questions clearly and in a relatable manner and the background she provided to this was outstanding.

~ Amanda Howes

I wouldn't change a thing.

Kaitlyn held space for me, always, really listening and understanding my perspectives and challenges I was facing.  She enabled me to see the narrative I'd been playing out and break through it to become much happier and confident within myself. I wouldn't change a thing. She accommodated all of my challenges and supported me wholly.

~ Kellie Clarke

Yes! This is the beauty of this work—it is not limited by time and space. All services listed can be provided over Zoom.

Can all services be provided by distance (over the internet)?


In a reading, I will not speak astrology. I pride myself on translating the language of astrology into English for anyone to understand and embody. The purpose of this is to allow for deep embodiment and a feeling of safety in my readings.  During a mentor session, I will speak astrological terms to help you to learn the language. My readings are designed to speak to your heart, while mentorship sessions will speak to your mind.

How does a mentor session differ from a reading?


This is 100% personal preference. In a 60-minute astrology reading, we will cover an overview of the most prominent themes in your natal chart—including your characteristics, any reoccurring themes in your life, your elemental balance, life lesson, and current astrological transits (to make it practical for you at this moment in your life). 

In a 90-minute session, we will do all of that and go deeper into where we are led in our conversation. If there is anything that comes up in the session that needs extra attention, we will have more time to explore why and how to work with the energies you are experiencing and would like to shift.

Should I choose a 60 or 90 minute astrology reading?


For first time clients, we will meet at our scheduled time over Zoom. You don't need to prepare anything, and you don't need to have any knowledge of astrology!

I will hold the space and outline the time together in the beginning of our call. First, we talk about specific dates in your past to get a feel for where you've been, I will then speak to your character by looking at your astrology chart on my end.

In my readings, I translate the language of astrology to English, keeping you in your heart rather than in your head. My readings involve lots of dialogue between the both of us, to really allow space for you to process your path and give space to parts of you that don't usually get to see the light. 

We then talk about what you're going through now, and I will give you practical tools and action steps to take away with you—leaving you feeling more empowered to follow your heart. 

My goal is to make my readings a space for confirmation of the path in your life you're on, while giving you the information needed to make conscious decisions moving forward. 

Readings have value at any time in your life, but especially if you find yourself at a crossroads, transition, or change in your life that you desire to gain more clarity and confidence around pursuing.

Show up as you are, and share what's on your heart. We will only go as deep as you're willing and ready to go. 

I've never had a reading before. What can I expect?


Frequently Asked Questions